Tagged : twitter

A Twitter Celebration - Thank YOU! Yes, YOU.

WOW! I can’t believe we’re here already. I’ve been looking forward to this day for a while now…and here we are. Thanks to all of my Twitter followers for helping me get here. I haven’t bought followers, signed up for any crazy schemes, or switched with an already existing account. It’s all true organic Twitter growth.

Here’s what I’ve done so far:

  • Tweeted GOOD CONTENT!
  • Followed some #hashtags that really fit my area of expertise (#custserv, #custexp, #cxo, #management, #hr).
  • Followed people who share GREAT RELEVANT CONTENT.
  • Tried to interact with great Twitter users who are making a difference in their field.
I also wanted to especially thank those who have helped me provide awesome content on Twitter. THANK YOU!!! I wouldn’t be here without you helping share the AWESOME CUSTOMER SERVICE LOVE.

Thanks again everyone for following! Here’s to an awesome new year with most exceptional content on #custserv, #custexp, #customerservice, #cxo, #management, #hr, #smallbiz, and much more!


Managing and Connecting with the Facebook Generation

In an era where smart phones, tablet computers, and cloud computing have already made an impact in the lives of individuals, and as technological advances continue to spread within the general population, the needs of individuals will continue to change.

Organizations will also need to evolve in order to meet the wants and needs of  “The Millenials,” a digitally experienced, technologically savvy workforce of consumers. This new consumer and workforce will have grown up with the high speed Internet, Facebook, Twitter, and communicating through chat and text messaging. They are individuals who prefer group work environments, flat organization hierarchies. For Millenials, teams, environment, and  flexibility are greater motivators than simply salary.

IT companies have traditionally led the way in creating and fostering the type of environments that attracts this younger generation. With things like flexible work schedules, emphasis on team projects, and creative amenities available to employees on-site, companies like Facebook, Google, Apple, and Adobe, are highly sought out for recent grads looking for a great company environment while being immersed in the latest technologies.