The Customer Service Hall of Fame

The customer service hall of fame is validation that the hard work you put in to a blog pays off. The hall of fame are the posts that YOU, the reader, have connected with the most. It’s hard to build up a blog following. As you start out, most of the things you write fall on absent ears. If you’ve hit it big in blogging, please remember the little guy. You were us once. Share a link to us, or comment on a post, it takes just a minute and makes such a difference.

The Best of Customer Service and Customer Experience

If you’re even slightly interest in the best in customer service, I wanted to hit you with my best stuff. My best stuff not according to me, but according to others online. I’ve put together this customer service and customer experience hall of fame to keep track of my most popular posts according to visitors online and Twitter shares.

I hope that by reading the best stuff first you’ll take a minute and read my other stuff (it’s just as good, but just hasn’t had traction yet), and maybe even subscribe to my blog (please, please, please add me. It’ll mean the world to me).

Current Great Customer Service Posts Hall of Fame:

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I hope you enjoy these and keep on connecting with me and others in our #custserv Twitter group to continue to change the world through awesome customer service and amazing customer experiences.

  • The Customer Service Management Coach

    A customer experience blog. Talking customer service, customer experience, and wowing the customer.

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