5 Ways to Guarantee Customer Service Failure

No one wants to fail. There are 5 ways to guarantee customer service failure. Any time there is a change in customer service management, there’s the potential for failure. This is especially true when you convert a customer service team member into a customer service manager in a company. Will they be able to manage the customer service work of the team? Will they be able to translate their positive customer service skills to work well with other peers in the organization? Will they be able to effectively rally team members around the customer service cause and teach and train customer service to newer and older team members? 

It’s not until the new customer service manager has begun to work and exercise his managerial influence that you can really come to understand if that person may truly be a good manager. There are some pitfalls that new customer service managers can avoid to ensure that they don’t fail in their customer service management responsibilities. 

5 Ways to Guarantee Customer Service Failure

1. Not Original

Managers need to motivate their employees and need to generate action from those underneath them in the company. If their style of work is one that does not rouse the base, work can never improve. The organization will continue to trod along as it always has before, never reaching new, higher limits of success.

2. Blend In

Managers who do specific things to blend in and seem like “one of the guys” generally don’t muster enough respect to generate action from his employees. Simply put, when it comes down to it and decisions need to be made, employees will always second-guess the manager and chaos will reign in the organization.

3. Get Desperate

I believe that the outward feelings and demeanor of a manager is magnified in the employees. Managers who are frustrated, desperate, disenfranchised, etc. will cause employees to feel the same way, often 10 fold. This then becomes the face of your organization.

4. Ignore Peers/Employees

While earning respect, managers also have to ensure that employees, the cogs of the organization’s machine are well-oiled and that each specific piece of the organization is working at its best. When individuals in the organization feel disconnected, not cared-for, or that they don’t have an advocate on their side, the entire organization begins to suffer.

5. Don’t Sweat Failures

Even though much of what will determine the organization’s success may be beyond the manager’s control. A manager who simply dismisses failures as “being their control” doesn’t have enough motivation and drive to make themselves better. Successful people often shoot to make everything work in their favor, those in their control and not. Additionally, when mistakes are made, successful people own up and take responsibility and use it as bitter lessons learned which are never to be repeated again.

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  • Alveo Akuna

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    • http://www.themana.gr Flavio

      Thanks Alveo. I appreciate the comment. Be sure to check out the other posts!

  • http://www.themana.gr Flavio

    You bet! Glad you’ve found it useful.