Category : Reviews

10 Minutes to Better Employee Career Development Plans

Here is a quick digest of how to develop your own leadership and career development form. The development form, is best utilized if it is kept as a 1-2 page document. The shorter the better since the key is to identify the core items and list the things that will be done. There is no need for rating scales as they are wasteful and inaccurate at giving solid, specific feedback on the various aspects discussed in the development form.
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Why Create a Development Plan?

Do you have your employees create career development plans? Have you created a development plan for them?

Why Create a Development Plan? Too often managers wait for the individuals within their organizations to take the initiative and have their own development plan while employees generally expect a manager or other individual within the organization to outline development plan for them.

Development plans are extremely useful at helping the individuals at your organization to remain emotionally connected to the work they are performing and continue developing professionally within the scope of their assigned roles (also also develop to fill future roles). Additionally, development plans lay the groundwork so that the necessary employee training is being done efficiently, effectively, and is targeted specifically to the needs of the individual. Continue Reading

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The is dedicated to helping individuals become better, more effective leaders and managers. But…it’s NOT just for business professionals!

Although the topics and the discussion on The is primarily directed at managers and leaders in business, the principles and practices discussed are effective for individuals who want to improve their skills in leadership, organizing groups and leading individuals. Effective application of the management and leadership topics discussed here will be useful in the business world, education settings, community organizations, religious groups, and in day-to-day interaction with people.

Oh, and don’t forget that we’ll be holding some great give-a-ways to everyone who is a fan on Facebook, so, again, don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook.

Preparing Employees for Performance Reviews

Effective employee performance reviews are a rare breed in the business world. Too often they are ineffectively implemented and simply become a one-way communication meeting where a manager spends the majority of the time talking to the employee about work.

If your last round of reviews sounded like this, you might as well create a video of the review and just make your team members watch it right?

To get the most of your employee reviews you have to create an atmosphere where a two-way dialogue takes place between the employee and the manager (who really should be operating in the role of a mentor).
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